
The cost per session varies depending on your gross annual income.

Your income..........Session Cost 
$00-40,000.............= $100
$41-80,000.........…..= $120
$81-100,000+......….= $140

At the end of our first meeting we will discuss what rate suits you.
I’m happy to work with you to make it affordable.
Please note that you may have access to Work and Income Disability Allowance - Counselling Certificate which is completed though your GB and pays $60 toward each counselling session.
Click here for WINZ Counselling Allowance Information Page

Length of sessions
50 minutes, though they can be shorter/longer according to individual requirements.

Cancellation/re-scheduling Policy
24 hours notice is required for cancellation/re-scheduling or a full fee will need to be charged.
I try to be flexible with genuine emergencies on the day of your appointment,
but I do need to protect the time as well. Cheers, I know you understand.

Payment can be made by cash at your appointment, or via a deposit into our bank account.